hello there today's video is going [to] be on weird excuse me right here right up here not here right here give this video thumbs up if you've ever had the biggest pimple ever i mean ever ! [why] you gotta be so rude, dont you know i'm human too today i'll be showing you weird, weird acne and zit hacks that actually work a lot of these things you probably already have in your kitchen so no need to buy other things i did this for all of you because we've all been in that situation where the biggest pimples appears on the most unexpected most important day ever? also, just a quick little announcement. [i] will be doing live stream every sunday at 7 p.m.. eastern time on [you] [now]
i'll be live on you now. so you guys can interact with me also [make] sure you stay tuned on my instagram and twitter and snapchat because sometimes it's a little bit hard for me to track with you guys, and i want to get to know all of you but [because] there's more of you here and less [of] you there. [i] can connect more with people over there if that makes any sense i would love for you to join me i also have a vlog channel which would be really fun if you follow along my day, but um let's get rid of this thing right now come on if having acne makes you feel a little bit under the weather or a bit sad i completely understand
i've dealt with acne all of my life, but not to worry there are actually a few acne hacks that can help you out so the first one we're doing is apple cider vinegar. you're going to take a little cotton ball [i] know it smells a little weird, and you're just going [to] dip it on there and apply it on to your pimple or is it and basically apple cider vinegar has lactic acids which basically [help] soften and exfoliate your skin also, help with the tone [of] your skin especially if you have redness, [so] just give your face a good wash and you're all set some of the properties and eye drops to reduce redness or your eyes actually will help reduce redness for your pimple as wellso i'm just taking a little cotton swab and just applying a little bit on to my you know my zits and with just a few [drops] of this you're going [to] reduce your pimple, or is it by a lot? another hack our aspirin tablets
basically what you're going to do is just cut them up into little pieces add some water and create a really nice paste contain something called acetylsalicylic acid basically it's similar to cell silic acid which is an active ingredient in a lot of acne treatments it's super effective so it's going to help a big red pimple appear a lot smaller within a few hours now toothpase can actually be used for more than just brushing your teeth if you have a huge gigantic pimple [dude] this has actually been known for reducing the size of pimples because it dries them out so just apply a little bit on the affected area go to sleep and wash it off in the morning your pimple should be reduced by a lot. b is bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-n-a i know i didn't think ether, so basically just take a strip of the banana peel and bend it [inside-out]
you're going to rub this onto the affected areas of your face so any pimples or anything that you may have let it sit for 30 minutes, [el] [luton] is something that is in bananas it's a powerful antioxidant basically it's going to reduce inflammation and ultimately just cure pimples now advil pills can actually work for much more than just a headache so i'm just taking a little bit of this breaking it up taking the little gel inside and basically it's going to reduce your large zits, it's going to help it disappear. however. this is not a permanent fix, but you know in the meantime it's going to decrease the size and the redness of your zit so just what i thought garlic was just a scare away vampires i did a little bit of research and found out that garlic is actually really great for fighting acne because it has high levels of
antibacterial antiviral and antifungal properties one way to get rid of acne and prevent is basically to have it in your diet however if eating garlic is not your cup [of] tea then just take a peeled globe and just rub it onto the skin and it's [gonna] [help] your pimple reduce in size and just prevent it a lot a sensitive skin hack basically is to use lemon and honey [so] this is going to make your skin look a lot clearer make sure you put your hair up i just added a drizzle of honey on to half the lemon basically just put this onto your face for about five minutes and then wash it out [with] cold water and you'll be able to see how much brighter and illuminated your skin will be gonna help fade out marks and spots on your face
and it's gonna help moisturize your skin a lot the weirdest one of all is pepto-bismol what i was in shock when i heard about this one but basically pepto is you know those cabinet kind of medicines when you have an upset stomach? but no, we're going to be putting it on our face just put a little bit on to you know a little makeup brush and apply a thin layer [onto] your face and wait until it dries out i actually really [like] the smell of this and it was very soothing but basically the effect of this is it's going to make your skin tighter and it's also going to reduce redness so basically just leave it on your skin
[once] it gets tight it takes about 5 [minutes] or 10 snapchat while you're at it. creep out your followers on there, and then just wash it off that was it for today's video i hope that you guys enjoyed don't forget to give it a thumbs up if you did and make sure you share it with your friends because i feel like a lot of us you know we go through these little dilemmas of these huge giant pimples just popping up everywhere and we need a solution so here it is i would love for you guys to join me on you-now this sunday at 7 p.m.. [eastern] [time] i will be on there doing a tag and just fun challenges with my boyfriend make sure you follow me on instagram and twitter and snapchat because you know you can keep up with this daily weirdo, and i love interacting with you guys
[i] love learning about you all i'm surprised that a lot of you are surprised when i respond back or when i actually interact with you guys i love it [so] passionate about getting to know you guys and i just it fills my day up with joy honestly and subscribe to join the weirdest family on the [internet] the outies family. i you guys have an amazing day, [and] i will see you guys next time but hey, outies, it is maya from beauty by maya on youtube that's my channel name first off. i am proud to be an outie because i just love natalie's channel i love her personality, and i hope that my youtube channel one day is everything that her's is today
i she just inspires me so much, and i just love her channel. [i] love her videos. love you, natalie my channel is beauty by maya i'm sure it'll be somewhere on the screen. [i] make lifestyle/beauty videos i hope you go check out my channel and maybe possibly subscribe don't forget to subscribe to natalie because she is absolutely amazing and goals goals bye outies!